These tend to be medium size Pineywoods, with short to medium length, wide set horns. some having a Spanish twist to the horns. Originally they tended to be fairly uniformly colored, with colored spots or speckling on a white base, or the reverse white on a colored base. The original Agricola cattle traced back to herds in the Agricola, Mississippi and surrounding areas. Many of these cattle were collected by Luther Schell and Bo Howard, who later added bulls from Conway, Bayliss and Carter lines. They started using the cows for cross breeding in the early 2000’s. This lead to Thomas Allen purchasing most of the remaining Agricola cows in 2006 in order to continue the conservation work. The original Knapp came from Bo’s in-laws. Over the years he added in the occasional Agricola bull from Luther Schell. This makes sense because the two breeders were located close to one another. However, it seems that this was done only occasionally so while the Agricola (Schell) and Knapp (Howard) herds are related, they should also be somewhat distinct. Whether to put them together or not is a good question.- Dr. Philip Sponenberg ​There are only a couple of dedicated Agricola-Knapp herds left.